Contract signed by Electronic Means

The seller/buyer consents to sending and receiving documents and particulars including the proposed contract, disclosure statement and any other attached documents by electronic transmission pursuant to Sections 11 and 12 of the Electronic Transactions (Queensland) Act 2001. The seller/buyers consent to having their signatures on documents including the proposed contract, disclosure statement and any other […]

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Sunset clause

In consideration of the Seller granting the Buyer time to enter into a Contract for the Sale of the Buyer’s property situated at [1] and notwithstanding special condition clause number [2] of this Contract, the Buyer and the Seller agree that should the Seller receive a more favourable offer to purchase the property hereby sold […]

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Property owned by the salesperson and/or the salesperson’s associates is sold by salesperson

The Buyer acknowledges execution of the From 28 attached hereto prior to execution of the Contract of Sale. NOTE: (i) Where a salesperson, his/her spouse, parents or children, brothers or sisters purchase a property, no commission is payable by the Seller. The following notice must be signed by the Seller prior to signing the Contract. […]

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Property being purchased by salesperson and/or salesperson’s associates

The Sellers acknowledge that they have been advised that the Buyers are employees and/or associates of [1] and that no commission shall be due or payable to [1] for having effected the sale. LEGEND: [1] name of agency NOTE: (i) Where a salesperson, his/her spouse, parents or children, brothers or sisters purchase a property, no […]

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Access clause

The Seller hereby authorises the Buyer and their servants and comm to enter upon the property at any time after the date of this Contract for the purpose of [1]. LEGEND: [1] Insert details of the purpose for access (ie renovations, repainting etc) […]

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